Asked by Edumilestones | 23rd of October 2020
career counsellor voiceofvipinYes I agree with fatema ma am, career counseling is very special, intellectual job, it s not as much as easy like making admission,Filling form etc. .i have an experience about it ,where I selected as a psychologist and offer me front desk executive. missusing word.
With seasoned wisdom, a Career Counsellor perfectly amalgamates the Real-time information with Multidimentional Psychometric Analysis and chalks out an Executable Career Roadmap that can put a candidate on his/her most suitable Career Trajectory thereby ensuring sure success.
Any Tom, Dick and Harry who facilitates addmissions, is not a Career Counsellor. However the popular nomenclature for such characters, is Career Counsellor these days, which is not right.
Many times I observe, while visiting a religious place, people address a roadside Churan seller as Doctor Saab and explain their problems to him to buy a suitable Churan . Isn t it laughable to call him a Doctor? So is the case when any admission advisor is called a Career Counsellor.
A counsellor is many things and wears many hats. But must definitely not get misued or mislead by doing others jobs. It is like expecting the doctor to also be an MR, doesnt seem right. A career counsellor has a very responsible job to ensure career decisions are taken mindfully.